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引用本文:邢玲玲,王用斌,崔先锋,卜秀芹,孔祥礼,张本光,赵长磊,陈锡欣. 2002-2011年单县疟疾疫情分析[J]. 中国血吸虫病防治杂志, 2013, 25(4): 408
作者姓名:邢玲玲  王用斌  崔先锋  卜秀芹  孔祥礼  张本光  赵长磊  陈锡欣
作者单位:1 山东省菏泽市单县疾病预防控制中心(菏泽270000); 2 山东省寄生虫病防治研究所
摘    要:目的 目的 分析2002-2011年单县疟疾疫情, 掌握疟疾发病特点及流行规律, 为制定消除疟疾防治对策提供依据。方 方法 法 收集2002-2011年单县疟疾病疫情相关资料, 进行分析。结果 结果 2002-2011年单县共报告疟疾125例, 年发病率为0.18/10万~2.00/10万。病例主要分布在浮岗、 黄岗及曹庄3个乡 (镇), 占病例总数的60.80%。本地感染121例, 外地感染输入4例, 均为新发间日疟病例。流行季节为6-10月, 7-9月为发病高峰期。男性病例多于女性; 年龄1~83岁, 以46~60岁发病较多。结论 结论 单县近10年来疟疾发病呈明显上升趋势, 南部3个乡 (镇) 为防治重点区。加强流动人口及蚊媒监测, 加大防治宣传力度是今后疟疾防治工作的重点。

关 键 词:疟疾; 疫情; 单县  

Analysis of malaria endemic situation in Shanxian County from 2002 to 2011
XING Ling-Ling,WANG Yong-Bin,CUI Xian-Feng,BU Xiu-Qin,KONG Xiang-Li,ZHANG Ben-Guang,ZHAO Chang-Lei,CHEN Xi-Xin. Analysis of malaria endemic situation in Shanxian County from 2002 to 2011[J]. Chinese journal of schistosomiasis control, 2013, 25(4): 408
Authors:XING Ling-Ling  WANG Yong-Bin  CUI Xian-Feng  BU Xiu-Qin  KONG Xiang-Li  ZHANG Ben-Guang  ZHAO Chang-Lei  CHEN Xi-Xin
Affiliation:1 Shanxian County Center for Disease Control and Prevention|Shandong Province, Shanxian 270000|China;2 Shandong Provin?cial Institute of Parasitic Diseases|China
Abstract:Objective To analyze the endemic situation of malaria in Shanxian County,Shandong Province,China in thelast 10 years,so as to understand the epidemiological characteristics of the disease and provide the evidence for the establishmentof control strategy to eliminate malaria. Methods The data related to the endemic situation of malaria in Shanxian County from2002 to 2011 were collected and analyzed. Results From 2002 to 2011,125 cases of malaria were reported,and the annual inci?dences were in the range of 0.18/100 000-2.00/100 000. Totally 60.80% of the cases focused on 3 townships,namely Fugang,Huanggang and Caozhuang. All the 125 cases were new vivax malaria cases,among them,121 were locally infected,and the other4 were imported. The epidemic season was from June to October,and the peak time was from July to September. There were moremale cases than female cases. The ages of the cases were from 1 to 83 years old,and the incidence in those aged from 46-60 yearsold was higher. Conclusions The malaria incidence in Shanxian County is on the rise,and the 3 townships in the south are thekey areas for control. The control measures including the surveillance of floating population and mosquitoes,and malaria controlhealth education should be strengthened.
Keywords:Malaria  Endemic situation  Shanxian County
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