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引用本文:孙先勇 黄旭东 等. 穿透性角膜移植治疗真菌性角膜炎[J]. 山东医大基础医学院学报, 2001, 15(2): 104-105
作者姓名:孙先勇 黄旭东 等
摘    要:目的:观察穿透性角膜移植治疗真菌性角膜炎的疗效。方法:对11眼经抗真菌药物治疗无效的真菌性角膜炎行穿透性角膜移植术,结果:术后10眼治愈,占90.9%,6眼视力在0.1以上,免疫排斥反应2眼,继发青光眼2眼,前房积血1眼,结论:穿透性角膜移植是治疗真菌性角膜炎的有效方法。

关 键 词:真菌性角膜炎 角膜移植 穿透性 治疗

Penetrating keratoplasty in fungal keratitis
Sun Xianyong,Huang Xudong,Zhang Haorun. Penetrating keratoplasty in fungal keratitis[J]. Journal of Preclinical Medicine College of Shandong Medical University, 2001, 15(2): 104-105
Authors:Sun Xianyong  Huang Xudong  Zhang Haorun
Abstract:Objective:To investigate the therapeutic effect of penetrating keratoplasty (PKP) in fungal keratitis.Method:11 cases with severe fungal keratitis which were uncontrollable with medicine undertook PKP.Results:10 eyes(90.9%) were cured,6 eyes have the vision>0.1;immunological rejection occured in 2 eyes,secondary glaucoma in 2 eyes,hyphema in 1 eye.Conclusion:PKP is an effective treatment for severe fungal keratitis.
Keywords:Keratitis  fungal  Keratoplasty  penetrating  Treatment outcome
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