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引用本文:林刚,赵鑫,杜莹,王效科. 可吸入大气颗粒物暴露对居民每日死亡短期影响的Meta分析[J]. 首都公共卫生, 2009, 3(4): 156-161
作者姓名:林刚  赵鑫  杜莹  王效科
作者单位:1. 北京市崇文区卫生监督所,100051
2. 中国疾病预防控制中心
3. 中国科学院生态环境研究中心
摘    要:目的综合分析国内外可吸人大气颗粒物(PM10)短期暴露与人群死亡关系的流行病学资料,以获取大气PM10污染与居民死亡的暴露一反应关系。方法在计算机联机检索文献和手工检索的基础上,对近十年来发表的相关研究文献采用meta分析的方法进行综合评价,并检验、校正可能存在的发表偏倚,从而准确、定量地确定PM10污染与居民死亡的暴露一反应关系。结果建立了居民短期接触大气PM10污染的暴露一反应关系,即在未考虑发表偏倚的情况下,大气中PM10每增加100μg/m^3,居民死亡的相对危险度增加3.87%(95%CI:2.84%~5.02%),在校正了发表偏倚后大气中PM10每增加100p.μg/m^3,死亡的相对危险度增加下降为1.41%(95%CI:0.30%-2.43%),与考虑偏倚前相比下降了63.6%。结论该研究建立的暴露-反应关系较早注意到发表偏倚的影响,具有一定的代表性与科学性,可用于大气颗粒物暴露健康危险度评价工作参考,为制定相关环境决策提供科学依据。

关 键 词:可吸入颗粒物(PM10)  每日死亡  Meta分析  发表偏倚

Association between short-term exposure to air inhalable particulate matter and daily mortality in residents-A meta-analysis
LIN Gang,ZHAO Xin,DU Ying,WANG Xiao-ke. Association between short-term exposure to air inhalable particulate matter and daily mortality in residents-A meta-analysis[J]. Capital Journal of Public Health, 2009, 3(4): 156-161
Authors:LIN Gang  ZHAO Xin  DU Ying  WANG Xiao-ke
Affiliation:Health Inspection Bureau of Chongwen District;Beijing 100051;China
Abstract:Objective To analyze the relationship between short-term exposure to air inhalable particulate matter(PM_ 10)and daily mortality in residents,particularly to estimate their dose-response relationship.Methods Based on online and manual literature retrieval,meta-analysis was used to comprehensively and quantitatively assess dose-response relationship between short-term exposure to air(PM_ 10)pollution and daily mortality in residents.Results Twenty copies of relevant papers were retrieved for meta-analysis.A ...
Keywords:Inhalable particulate matter ( PM10 )  Mortality, daily  Relationship, dose-response  Meta-analysis  Publicationbias
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