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急性一氧化碳中毒及其迟发脑病的大脑诱发电位研究——I 体感诱发电位
引用本文:刘细保,杨师,徐光华,房广才,潘晓雯,张寿林,何凤生. 急性一氧化碳中毒及其迟发脑病的大脑诱发电位研究——I 体感诱发电位[J]. 中国工业医学杂志, 1989, 2(3): 14-18
作者姓名:刘细保  杨师  徐光华  房广才  潘晓雯  张寿林  何凤生
摘    要:本文首次报告对85例急性CO中毒及其迟发脑病进行正中神经体感诱发电位(SEP)检查、动态观察的研究结果。以多元回归及其残差的方法建立了108例健康成人SEP各指标的正常值上限。本研究观察到本病患者的SEP呈现3种改变类型。主要表现为N_(32)等中长潜时SEP成分选择性受损。本研究证明,应用SEP技术并结合分析长短潜时SEP成分,在急性CO中毒及其迟发脑病的病情判断、诊断分级、损害部位的确定和预后判定上有较大的实用价值。

关 键 词:CO中毒  SEP(体感诱发电位)

The Studies of Brain Evoked Potentials in Patients with Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and the Delayed Encephalopathy I Somatosensory Evoked Potentials
Liu Xibao,et al:. The Studies of Brain Evoked Potentials in Patients with Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and the Delayed Encephalopathy I Somatosensory Evoked Potentials[J]. Chinese Journal of Industrial Medicine, 1989, 2(3): 14-18
Authors:Liu Xibao  et al:
Abstract:This article reports the results of mediannerve somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP)studied and followed up in 53 cases of acutecarbon monoxide poisoning and 32 cases ofdelayed encephalopathy of carbon monoxidepoisoning, 108 healthy adults served as con-trols.Multiple regression equation and 2.5 SDof the residual deviation was chosen for estab-lishing the upper limits of normal value ofthe SEP parameters. This study demonstrated that there are th-ree types of changes in SEP of these patients,affecting selectively N32 and longer lalencycomponents. Based on our observation, it seemsthat SEP can be used as a valuable tool inthe early detection and localization of brainlesions related to somaiosensory psthways inacute carbon monoxide poisoning as well as inthe prediction of occurance of its delayed ence-phalopathy by analysing short and long SEPs.
Keywords:SEP  CO  poisoning delayed encephalopalty  
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