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人参皂甙对不同代龄人胚肺成纤维细胞的增殖及Cyclin D1基因表达的影响
引用本文:宋淑霞,吕占军,张红艳. 人参皂甙对不同代龄人胚肺成纤维细胞的增殖及Cyclin D1基因表达的影响[J]. 中国中医基础医学杂志, 2002, 8(3): 41-43
作者姓名:宋淑霞  吕占军  张红艳
作者单位:1. 河北医科大学,实验动物学部,河北,石家庄,050017
2. 邯郸医学院,生化教研室,河北,邯郸,056001
摘    要:目的 :探讨人参皂甙对衰老的人胚肺成纤维细胞增殖及CyclinD1基因表达的调节作用 ,以进一步研究人参皂甙抗细胞衰老的机制。方法 :用体外培养的人胚肺成纤维细胞为细胞衰老模型 ,通过细胞流式分析、免疫组化及RT PCR方法 ,观察了人参皂甙对成纤维细胞的增殖周期、DNA合成 ,CyclinD1mRNA和蛋白质表达情况。结果 :衰老的成纤维细胞用人参皂甙连续处理 4代后 ,处于G1期的细胞数明显减少 ,进入S期的细胞由 16 7%增加到 33% (P <0 0 5 ) ;CyclinD1mR NA表达比对照组下降 ,CyclinD1蛋白质表达由原来的 77 1± 2 9明显下降为 5 2± 6 3(P <0 0 0 1) ,DNA合成增加 17% (P <0 0 5 )。人参皂甙对低代龄细胞的CyclinD1RNA合成有所增加 ,对CyclinD1蛋白质、DNA的作用影响不大。结论 :人参皂甙对人胚肺成纤维细胞具有双向作用 ,对高代龄细胞具有促进细胞增殖 ,调节CyclinD1基因表达的作用

关 键 词:人胚肺成纤维细胞  人参皂甙  CyclinD1  细胞衰老

Effect of Ginsensides on Proliferation and Cyclin D1 Gene Expression in Human Fibroblasts
SONG Shu xia ,LV Zhan jun ,ZHANG Hong yan. Effect of Ginsensides on Proliferation and Cyclin D1 Gene Expression in Human Fibroblasts[J]. Chinese Journal of Basic Medicine In Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2002, 8(3): 41-43
Authors:SONG Shu xia   LV Zhan jun   ZHANG Hong yan
Affiliation:SONG Shu xia 1,LV Zhan jun 1,ZHANG Hong yan 2
Abstract:Objective:In order to investigate the antiaging mechnaism of Ginsensides,the effect of Ginsensides on proliferation and Cyclin D1 expression in senescent human fibroblasts were analyzed.Methods:Normal human diploid embryonic lung fibroblasts were used as a senescent model to observe the effect of Ginsensides on cell cycle,DNA synthesize and Cyclin D1 gene expression by FACS,immunohisto chemistry and RT PCR.Results:After treating with Ginsensides,the number of G1 phase of aging human fibroblasts decreased and S phase fibroblasts increased from 16.7% to 33%( P<0 005 ),the level of Cyclin D1 mRNA was lower than contral,Cyclin D1 protein decreased 25% too,and DNA synthesize level increased 17%( P<0 05 ).Ginsensides play a less role in increasing Cyclin D1 mRNA level and regulating cell cycle in younger fibroblasts.Conclusion:Ginsensides have bi directional effect on fibroblasts.In contrast to in yougner fibroblasts,it can accelerate cell proliferation and regulate Cyclin D1 expression in senescent human fibroblasts.
Keywords:Human diploid embryonic lung fibroblasts  Ginsensides  Cyclin D1  Cell senescent
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