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Abnormality of chromosome 16 and its phenotypic expression
Authors:N. L. Golden  R. Bilenker    W. E. Johnson   J. A. Tischfield
Affiliation:Departments of Pediatrics and Biology Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A
Abstract:An abnormality of chromosome 16 in which there is extra genetic material present on the short arm (46, XY, 16p+) has been identified. This chromosomal aberration was associated with multiple congenital anomalies, including mid-facial hypoplasia, arthrogryposis, and mental retardation. On the basis of the cytogenetic appearance and the phenotype of the patient, this may represent a partial 16 trisomy. Unlike most abnormalities of chromosome 16, this syndrome was compatible with life.
Keywords:Partial trisomy 16p
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