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Induction of heterothallic strains and their genetic and physiological characterization in a homothallic strain of the yeast Saccharomyces exiguus
Authors:Taisuke Hisatomi  Naohiko Yanagishima  Isao Ban-no
Affiliation:(1) Biological Institute, Faculty of Science, Nagoya University, Chikusa-ku, 464 Nagoya, Japan;(2) Institute for Fermentation, Osaka, Yodogawa-ku, 532 Osaka, Japan
Abstract:Summary We isolated heterothallic strains from a homothallic strain of S. exiguus by mutagenization with UV or ethylmethanesulfonate (EMS). A gene, not linked to the mating-type locus, was found to control homothallism in the yeast, as in S. cerevisiae. agr Pheromone of S. exiguus (agrse pheromone) induced formation of large pear-shaped cells (shmooing) in a strains of S. exiguus, S. cerevisiae, and S. kluyveri, and sexual agglutinability of an inducible a strain of S. cerevisiae. agrse Pheromone is a peptidyl substance a little different from agr pheromone of S. cerevisiae. a Pheromone of S. exiguus acts only on a cells of S. exiguus. Contrary to the above results, neither sexual agglutination nor zygote formation occurred among these three Saccharomyces yeasts.
Keywords:Homothallism-controlling gene  S. exiguus  Sexual differentiation  Sex pheromone
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