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Luminescent Afterglow Behavior in the M2Si5N8: Eu Family (M = Ca,Sr, Ba)
Authors:Koen Van den Eeckhout  Philippe F. Smet  Dirk Poelman
Affiliation:LumiLab, Department of Solid State Sciences, Ghent University, Krijgslaan 281/S1, 9000 Gent, Belgium; E-Mails: (P.F.S.); (D.P.)
Abstract:Persistent luminescent materials are able to emit light for hours after being excited. The majority of persistent phosphors emit in the blue or green region of the visible spectrum. Orange- or red-emitting phosphors, strongly desired for emergency signage and medical imaging, are scarce. We prepared the nitrido-silicates Ca2Si5N8:Eu (orange), Sr2Si5N8:Eu (reddish), Ba2Si5N8:Eu (yellowish orange), and their rare-earth codoped variants (R = Nd, Dy, Sm, Tm) through a solid state reaction, and investigated their luminescence and afterglow properties. In this paper, we describe how the persistent luminescence is affected by the type of codopant and the choice and ratio of the starting products. All the materials exhibit some form of persistent luminescence, but for Sr2Si5N8:Eu,R this is very weak. In Ba2Si5N8:Eu the afterglow remains visible for about 400 s, and Ca2Si5N8:Eu,Tm shows the brightest and longest afterglow, lasting about 2,500 s. For optimal persistent luminescence, the dopant and codopant should be added in their fluoride form, in concentrations below 1 mol%. A Ca3N2 deficiency of about 5% triples the afterglow intensity. Our results show that Ba2Si5N8:Eu(,R) and Ca2Si5N8:Eu(,R) are promising persistent phosphors for applications requiring orange or red light.
Keywords:persistent luminescence   afterglow   nitrido-silicates   europium   rare earths   thermoluminescence
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