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Stress fractures
Authors:Bousson V  Wybier M  Petrover D  Parlier C  Chicheportiche V  Hamzé B  Sverzut J-M  Daguet E  Wyler A  Thabet J  Bossard P  Laredo J-D
Affiliation:Service de radiologie ostéoarticulaire, hôpital Lariboisière, 2, rue Ambroise-Paré, 75010 Paris, France
Abstract:In 1892, J. Wolff, an orthopedic surgeon, stated that the internal architecture and shape of a bone were related to the direction of stresses placed upon it. Conventional radiographs and MRI can demonstrate the adaptability of bones to stresses. Imaging also demonstrates that this adaptability has limitations, and that excessive stress may lead to fracture.
Keywords:Fracture de contrainte   Osté  oporose   Biomé  canique   Scanner   Imagerie par ré  sonance magné  tique
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