Abstract: | The bilirubin in the gall stones is identifiedchemically and by infrared spectroscopy and gel electrophoresis as a polymer in structure. Its precipita-tion is closely related to the activity of B-glucuronidase, yet it is not the sole factor in conjugated bilirubin hydrolysis resulting in bilirubin precipitation.The quantitative determination of hexoamine withmodified Boas-Morgan method shows glycoproteinsuggesting that the greater the amount of glycoproteinin the bile, the stronger the lithogenicity. Atomicemission and absorption spectroscopy analysis leadus to believe that any elements appearing in theplasma should also be foun.d in the bile or gallstone.The precipitation of solid substances in bile is strongIy influenced by the alteration of Ca++ concentration, therefore the metal ions play an essential rolein the formation of socalled insoluble componentsof the pigment gallstone. Dissolution tests revealthat increase of bile salt or glucuronic acid concentration in bile can reduce bilirubin precipitation.Chelating agents deprive the metal ions of the stone,leading to breakage and partial dissolution of thestone. CDTA may be a promising drug for dissolution of pigment gallstones. |