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引用本文:苏宏业,王乃尊,黎英荣,肖常青,夏宁,梁瑜祯. 南宁市1604例跟骨定量超声测定结果分析[J]. 广西医学, 2003, 25(2): 157-159
作者姓名:苏宏业  王乃尊  黎英荣  肖常青  夏宁  梁瑜祯
摘    要:目的:为了解南宁市成人骨质疏松症发病情况。方法:采用UBIS5000型超声跟骨质量测定仪对南宁市1604例成人跟骨定量超声参数进行测定。结果:跟骨超声振幅衰减(BUA)的峰值男女性均在40-49岁年龄组,男性在60岁以后BUA明显下降,女性在50岁后BUA明显下降。超声声速(SOS)的峰值男女性均在20-29岁年龄组,50岁后男女性均明显下降,骨量减少和骨质疏松的患病率。男性于60岁以后明显增加,女性于50岁后明显增加且患病率明显高于男性。结论:骨质疏松症的发生主要见于中老年人;女性患病率高较且较男性早10年左右,多出现于绝经后5-10年;男性主要发生于60岁以后特别是70岁以后;20-50岁人群骨量减少不可忽视。

关 键 词:定量超声  超声振幅衰减  超声声速  骨质疏松症

An analysis of calcaneal quantitative ultrasound measurement in 1604 Nanning subjects
Su Hongye,Wang Naizhen,Li Yingrong,et al.. An analysis of calcaneal quantitative ultrasound measurement in 1604 Nanning subjects[J]. Guangxi Medical Journal, 2003, 25(2): 157-159
Authors:Su Hongye  Wang Naizhen  Li Yingrong  et al.
Affiliation:Nanning 530021
Abstract:Objective:To know the prevalence rate of osteoporosis of adult people in Nanning Methods:The parameters of calcaneal quantitative ultrasound in 1604 Nanning subjects were measured with UBIS 5000 Results:The peak values of broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA) were in 40~49 years for men and women;BUA was significantly lower after 60 years in men and after 50 years in women;The peak values of speed of sound(SOS) were in 20~29 years for men and women;SOS was obviously lower after 50 years both in men and women.The rates of osteopenia and osteoporosis were obviously increasing in 50 years for women and in 60 years for men Conclusion:Osteoporosis occures mainly after 50 years for women,and after 60 years for men.The rate of osteoporosis is higher in women than in men after 50 years;Osteopenia in 20~50 year old people should not be ignored
Keywords:Quantitative ultrasound (QUS)  Broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA)  Speed of sound (SOS)  Osteoporosis
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