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Toxic and essential trace element concentrations in the freshwater shrimp Macrobrachium amazonicum in the Lower Amazon,Brazil
Affiliation:1. Laboratory of Animal Health (LARSANA), Federal University of Western Pará (UFOPA), Rua Vera Paz, s/n, Salé, CEP 68040-255, Santarém, PA, Brazil;2. Department of Anatomy, Animal Production and Clinical Veterinary Sciences, Veterinary Faculty, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 27002, Lugo, Spain;3. Instituto de Investigación e Análises Alimentarias (IIAA), Departamento de Química Analítica, Nutrición e Bromatoloxía, Facultade de Ciencias, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 27002, Lugo, Spain;4. Department of Animal Science, Federal Rural University of the Semiarid Region (UFERSA), Av. Francisco Mota, s/nº - Bairro Pres. Costa e Silva, CEP 59625-900, Mossoró, RN, Brazil;5. Department of Clinical Science, College of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, University of Sao Paulo (FMVZ/USP), Av. Prof. Orlando Marques de Paiva, 87, Cidade Universitária, CEP 05508-270, São Paulo, SP, Brazil;6. Department of Animal Pathology, Veterinary Faculty, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 27002, Lugo, Spain
This study aimed to evaluate the concentrations of toxic elements (As, Cd, Hg, Pb) and essential trace elements (Co, Cu, Cr, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Se, Zn) in the freshwater shrimp M. amazonicum in the region of Santarem (lower Amazonia), which is affected by mining activities. The level of metal accumulation in the shrimp was found to be similar to that measured in other regions affected by anthropogenic polluted in both in Brazil and elsewhere, and does not pose a significant risk for human consumption. The different patterns of metal accumulation between the Amazon and Tapajos basins appear to be (at least partly) related to respectively bauxite exploitation and gold mining in the region. Bioaccumulation of the trace elements Co, Fe, and Mn mainly occurred in the visceral part of the shrimps from the Amazon river.
Keywords:Seafood elemental composition  Chemometric analysis  Mining activity  Heavy metal contamination
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