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引用本文:宋殿荣,钱丽娟,翟瞻粲,刘桂敏. 随机单次测定血清孕酮、雌二醇对异位妊娠早期诊断的应用价值[J]. 天津医药, 2000, 28(2): 74-76
作者姓名:宋殿荣  钱丽娟  翟瞻粲  刘桂敏
作者单位:1. 300211,天津医科大学第二医院妇产科
2. 300211,天津医科大学第二医院同位素科
摘    要:目的:在常规诊断方法的基础上,测定血清孕酮(P)和雌二醇(E2),探讨对异位妊娠的早期诊断及其与正常宫内妊娠和异常宫内妊娠的监别诊断价值。方法:对象以可疑异位妊娠病人为观察组,正常宫内妊娠及异常宫内妊娠分别作为对照组,3组周均不超过8周。单次取血利用放免法测定血清P和E2。结果:异位妊娠的P和E2水平显著低于正常宫内妊娠和先兆流产孕妇(P<0.01)。既往常规诊断方法对异位妊娠诊断的敏感性、特异性

关 键 词:孕酮 雌二醇 异位妊娠 诊断 血清

The Clinical Value of Single Random Measurement of Serum Progesterone and Estradiol for Early Diagnosis of Ectopic Pregnancy
SONG Dianrong,QIAN Lijuan,ZHAI Zhancan,et al. The Clinical Value of Single Random Measurement of Serum Progesterone and Estradiol for Early Diagnosis of Ectopic Pregnancy[J]. Tianjin Medical Journal, 2000, 28(2): 74-76
Authors:SONG Dianrong  QIAN Lijuan  ZHAI Zhancan  et al
Affiliation:SONG Dianrong,QIAN Lijuan,ZHAI Zhancan,et al;(Department of Obstetrics, Second Hospital of Tianjin Medical University 300211)
Abstract:Objective: Assaying of serum progesterone and estradiol in addition to routine diagnosis methods for early differential di-agnosis of ectopic pregnancy and normal and abnormal intrauterine pregnancies. Methods:Suspicious ectopic pregnancies who received medical treatment were selected as experimental group, normal and abnormal intrauterine pregnancies as control groups. Their gestation age was no more than eight weeks. Progesterone and estradiol were measured with radioimmunoas-say.Results: Serum progesterone and estradial levels were dramatically lower than those of normal intrauterine pregnancies and threatened abortions (P<0.01). Routine diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of ectopic pregnancy were 66.7% and 85.71% respectively. With reference to the fifth percentile of serum progesterone and estradiol, the diagnostic sensitivity turned out to be 93.33% and 91.11% respectively,and the specificity 92.00% and 98.00% respectively.Conclusion:The research suggested that to combine with routine diagnosis for suspicious ectopic pregnancy, the reference to a single random measurement of serum progesterone and estradiol was of great application value for early differential diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy.
Keywords:progesterone estradiol pregnancy  ectopic diagnosis
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