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引用本文:罗林峰, 陈建伟, 罗敏红, 何子健. 广州市15~69岁居民二手烟暴露及影响因素分析[J]. 中国公共卫生, 2019, 35(8): 973-976. DOI: 10.11847/zgggws1120915
作者姓名:罗林峰  陈建伟  罗敏红  何子健
作者单位:1.广州市健康教育所,广东 510403
摘    要: 目的 了解广州市居民二手烟暴露及影响因素,为有效开展控烟工作提供科学依据。 方法 2016年8 — 12月,采用多阶段分层整群抽样方法抽取广州市4 063名15~69岁居民进行二手烟暴露情况调查。 结果 广州居民二手烟暴露率为60.1 %(1 928/3 210),二手烟暴露频率以“1~3天/周”最高,占45.0 %(868/1 928)。不同性别、文化、职业、户籍和年龄组居民二手烟暴露率差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05);非二手烟暴露者的烟草危害知晓率/家庭禁烟率均高于二手烟暴露者,但仅“低焦油含量卷烟危害不比一般卷烟小”“某些卷烟对人的健康危害较小是不正确的”及“家庭禁止吸烟”3项差异有统计学意义(P < 0.01)。非条件logistic回归分析显示,广州户籍及家庭允许吸烟是二手烟暴露的危险因素,对“低焦油卷烟危害不比一般卷烟小”的正确认识、职业为教师和学生是二手烟暴露的保护因素。 结论 广州市居民二手烟暴露率较高,烟草危害知识掌握度相对较低,应逐步完善控烟条例并进一步加强重点人群的控烟知识宣传及教育。

关 键 词:居民  二手烟  暴露  影响因素

Assessing sec-ondhand smoke using biological markers
Lin-feng LUO, Jian-wei CHEN, Min-hong LUO, . Exposure to second-hand smoke and its influencing factors among 15 – 69 years old residents in Guangzhou city[J]. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 2019, 35(8): 973-976. DOI: 10.11847/zgggws1120915
Authors:Lin-feng LUO  Jian-wei CHEN  Min-hong LUO
Affiliation:1.Health Education Center of Guangzhou, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province 510403, China
Abstract: Objective To examine the status and influencing factors of exposure to second-hand smoke (SHS) among 15 – 69 years old residents in Guangzhou city for providing evidences to tobacco control. Methods Using stratified multistage random cluster sampling, we selected 4 063 permanent residents aged 15 – 69 years in 11 districts across Guangzhou city for a household questionnaire survey about SHS between August and December 2018. Results Of the nonsmoking participants, 60.1% (1 928/3 210) reported exposure to SHS and 45.0% (868/1 928) of the SHS exposed nonsmoking participants reported SHS exposure at the frequency of 1 – 3 days/per week; the reported prevalence rate of SHS exposure differed significantly by age group, gender, education, occupation, and registered residence (all P < 0.05). Significantly higher rates of awareness about tobacco hazards and no smoking at home were reported by participants not exposed to SHS compared to those reported by SHS exposed participants (both P < 0.05), but only for the cognitions on the hazards of low tar cigarette smoking, no smoke of some cigarette with less hazard to health, and household smoking. The results of unconditional logistic regression analyses revealed that with household smoking and with a household registration of Guangzhou city were risk factors for SHS exposure; while the cognition on the hazards of low tar cigarette smoking being not less than that of common cigarette smoking and being a teacher or a student were protective factor against SHS exposure. Conclusion The prevalence of second-hand smoke exposure is high but the knowledge rate of tobacco hazards is relatively low among adult residents in Guangzhou city, suggesting that regulations and health education on tobacco control should be promoted among the residents, especially among the key population, in the city.
Keywords:residents  second-hand smoke  exposure  influencing factor
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