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Postoperative recovery of mitochondrial function of the human liver graft procured and preserved with University of Wisconsin (UW) solution
Authors:N. Osaki  B. Ringe  H. Bunzendahl  Y. Taki  G. Gubernatis  M. Oellerich  E. -R. Kuse  M. Burdelski  S. Uemoto  M. Kimoto  Y. Yamaoka  K. Ozawa  R. Pichlmayr
Affiliation:Clinic for Abdominal and Transplantation Surgery, Kyoto University, 54 Kawara-cho, Shogoin, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606, Japan;Clinic for Clinical Chemistry, Kyoto University, 54 Kawara-cho, Shogoin, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606, Japan;Children's Clinic, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Konstanty-Gutschow-Strasse, D-3000 Hannover 61, Federal Republic of Germany;The 2nd Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University, 54 Kawara-cho, Shogoin, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606, Japan
Abstract. Changes in arterial blood ketone body ratio (KBR) were investigated in 47 human liver transplantations. Of the 20 grafts preserved with University of Wisconsin (UW) solution, 10 had a cold preservation period of less than 10 h (UWS group) and 10 of more than 10 h (UWL group). In 27 other cases, grafts were preserved with EuroCollins (EC) solution for less than 10h (EC group). In the EC group, KBR increased over 0. 7 within 6h after reperfusion of the graft in 17 cases (63%) and within 24 h in 7 cases (26%). In the 3 other cases, KBR failed to recover, and these patients underwent retransplantation. In the UW group, KBR recovered within 6 h in 13 cases (65%) and within 24 h in 7 cases (35%). There were no significant differences between the UWS and UWL groups. It is shown that the mitochondrial function of liver grafts preserved with UW solution can be well maintained even after extended preservation periods of more than 10 h.
Keywords:Liver preservation    UW solution-Mitochondrial function    in liver preservation-Preservation    liver    UW solution-Ketone body ratio    liver
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