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Arsenic Exposure During Pregnancy and Size at Birth: A Prospective Cohort Study in Bangladesh
Authors:Rahman, Anisur   Vahter, Marie   Smith, Allan H.   Nermell, Barbro   Yunus, Mohammed   El Arifeen, Shams   Persson, Lars-Ake   Ekstrom, Eva-Charlotte
Affiliation:Correspondence to Dr. Anisur Rahman, International Maternal and Child Health, Department of Women's and Children's Health, Uppsala University, University Hospital, SE-75185 Uppsala, Sweden (e-mail: anisur.rahman{at}kbh.uu.se).
The authors evaluated the association of prenatal arsenic exposurewith size at birth (birth weight, birth length, head and chestcircumferences). This prospective cohort study, based on 1,578mother-infant pairs, was conducted in Matlab, Bangladesh, in2002–2003. Arsenic exposure was assessed by analysis ofarsenic in urine collected at around gestational weeks 8 and30. The association of arsenic exposure with size at birth wasassessed by linear regression analyses. In analysis over thefull range of exposure (6–978 µg/L), no dose-effectassociation was found with birth size. However, significantnegative dose effects were found with birth weight and headand chest circumferences at a low level of arsenic exposure(<100 µg/L in urine). In this range of exposure, birthweight decreased by 1.68 (standard error (SE), 0.62) g for each1-µg/L increase of arsenic in urine. For head and chestcircumferences, the corresponding reductions were 0.05 (SE,0.03) mm and 0.14 (SE, 0.03) mm per 1 µg/L, respectively.No further negative effects were shown at higher levels of arsenicexposure. The indicated negative effect on birth size at a lowlevel of arsenic exposure warrants further investigation. arsenic; Bangladesh; birth weight; cohort studies; maternal exposure; urine
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