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引用本文:Zhang J,Wang C,Guo S,Chen J,Xiao P. 兰科药用植物的5种内生真菌产生的植物激素[J]. 中国医学科学院学报, 1999, 21(6): 460-465
作者姓名:Zhang J  Wang C  Guo S  Chen J  Xiao P
基金项目:国家自然科学基金! (3 9770 0 17)
摘    要:目的 研究促进兰科药用植物生长发育的5种内生真菌产生的植物激素,从物质角度探讨内生真菌促进其生长发育的机制。方法 从真菌发酵液和菌丝体中分别提取植物激素,用高效液相色谱进行梯度洗脱,分析鉴定其中赤霉素(GA3),吲哚乙酸(IAA)、脱落酸(ABA)、玉米素(Z)、玉米素核苷(ZR)5种植物激素并测定其含量。结果 5种内生真菌均能不同程度地产生一种或几种上述激素。结论 以上结果为阐明内生真菌促进兰科药用植物生长发育的作用机制提供实验依据。

关 键 词:兰科药用植物  内生真菌  植物激素  高效液相色谱

Studies on the plant hormones produced by 5 species of endophytic fungi isolated from medicinal plants (Orchidacea)
Zhang J,Wang C,Guo S,Chen J,Xiao P. Studies on the plant hormones produced by 5 species of endophytic fungi isolated from medicinal plants (Orchidacea)[J]. Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae, 1999, 21(6): 460-465
Authors:Zhang J  Wang C  Guo S  Chen J  Xiao P
Affiliation:Department of Fungi, Institute of Medicinal Plant, CAMS and PUMC, Beijing 100094.
Abstract:To study the plant hormones produced by 5 species of endophytic fungi isolated from medicinal plants and to illustrate the mechanism on endophytic fungi stimulating the growth of plants. Methods Extracting plant hormones from mycelia and its culture solution with organic solvent, and detecting them by HPLC. Results One or more plant hormones [GA 3 (Gibberellin), IAA (Indoleacetic acid), ABA (Abscisic acid), Z (Zeatin), ZR (Zeatin riboside)] were detected from the mycelia and its culture solution. Conclusions The plant hormones produced by the endophytic fungi are important materials that may be used to reveal the mechanism of endophytic fungi stimulating the growth of medicinal plants (Orchidacea).
Keywords:orchidacea medicinal plant  endophytic fungi  plant hormones  HPLC
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