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引用本文:金伟平,吴仁毅,尹金福,姚克. 晶状体脱位继发青光眼的联合手术治疗分析[J]. 临床眼科杂志, 2007, 15(6): 499-501
作者姓名:金伟平  吴仁毅  尹金福  姚克
摘    要:目的评价晶状体摘除联合玻璃体切除、小梁切除术、人工晶状体植入术治疗晶状体脱位继发青光眼的临床疗效。方法18例(18只眼)晶状体脱位继发性青光眼患者分别行晶状体摘除术联合前部或全部玻璃体切除术、单纯小梁切除术、Ⅰ期或Ⅱ期联合手术,术后随访眼压、视力及并发症情况。结果18例均成功摘除脱位晶状体并植入人工晶状体;16例(88.9%)眼压控制良好,12例(66.7%)矫正视力提高。结论联合手术是治疗晶状体脱位继发性青光眼的有效手段,能有效控制眼压,提高视力。应根据病情需要选择适当的手术方式尽早恢复患者的视功能。

关 键 词:晶状体脱位  青光眼  手术

Combined surgery for the treatment of glaucoma secondary to lens dislocation
JIN Wei-ping,WU Ren-yi,YIN Jin-fu,YAO Ke. Combined surgery for the treatment of glaucoma secondary to lens dislocation[J]. Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology, 2007, 15(6): 499-501
Authors:JIN Wei-ping  WU Ren-yi  YIN Jin-fu  YAO Ke
Abstract:Objective To evaluate the effect of lens extraction conbined with vitrectomy,trabeculectomy or in- traocular lens(IOL)implantation in the treatment of glaucoma secondary to lens dislocation.Method 18 cases(18 eyes)of glaucoma secondary to lens dislocation underwent diffirent combined surgery respective.The change of introcular pressure(IOP),vision acuity as wall as complications to surgeries were observed during follow-up.Results Successful re- moval of dislocated lens with IOL implantation was achieved in all 18 patients.In 16 patients(88.9%)the IOP was well- controlled and in 12 patients(66.7%)the best corrected vision acuity was improved.Conclusion Combined surgery of lens extraction with vitrectomy,trabecuhctomy or intraocular lens(IOL)implantation is effective in reducing the IOP and improving vision functions in the glaucoma secondary to lens dislocation.Adequate combination of these surgeries should be chosen to restore the vision functions of these patients.
Keywords:Ectopia Lentis  Glaucoma  Surgery
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