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引用本文:李海祥,陈风华,王卫红,周旻,蔡善君,朱建华. 准分子激光屈光性角膜术与立体视觉关系的应用性研究[J]. 贵州医药, 2002, 26(10): 891-892
作者姓名:李海祥  陈风华  王卫红  周旻  蔡善君  朱建华
摘    要:目的探讨准分子激光近视性角膜屈光手术 (PRK、Lasik)后立体视觉的变化 ,从视觉最高级的角度评价准分子激光近视性角膜屈光手术的临床应用价值。方法按就诊先后顺序对符合条件者用颜—郑氏随机点《立体视觉检查图》对接受准分子激光扫描的 30 9例近视患者的术前裸眼、戴镜和术后 3月的立体视觉进行检测。结果近视患者经准分子激光近视性角膜屈光手术后立体视觉变化明显 (P <0 0 1 ) ,尤其伴屈光参差 (屈光度≥ 2 0 0D)者立体视觉增加非常明显 (P <0 0 1 ) ,而Lasik与PRK组相比、5 5mm扫描光光区与 6 0mm光区相比 ,对立体视觉的改善均无明显区别。结论准分子激光屈光性角膜手术 (PRK ,Lasik)在矫正近视的同时 ,能改善和促进立体视功能的形成 ,而立体视觉的改善与激光扫描的方式和直径无关

关 键 词:近视  准分子激光  角膜屈光术  立体视觉

Clinic research on the relationship between excimer laser keratorefractive operation and stereopsis vision acuity
Li Haixiang,Chen fenghua,wang wei hong,et al.. Clinic research on the relationship between excimer laser keratorefractive operation and stereopsis vision acuity[J]. Guizhou Medical Journal, 2002, 26(10): 891-892
Authors:Li Haixiang  Chen fenghua  wang wei hong  et al.
Affiliation:Li Haixiang,Chen fenghua,wang wei hong,et al.Therapy center of myopia and cataract,The Affiliatted Hospital of Zunyi Medical College,563003
Abstract:Objective To investigate the effects on stereopsis vision acuity after photorefractive keratectomy(PRK) and laser in situkeratomileusis(Lasik) for patients with myopia,in order to evaluate the clinic value of PRK and Lasik from the most vision function.Methods 309 patient received the operation was tested using yan-zhen's Random-dot stereogram between preoperativerly and 3 postoperatively month in turn.Standard:stereopsis actuity is lower than 60 second,abnormal stereopsis acuity is more than 80 second or equal.Results The difference between the preoperative and 3 postoperative month was statistically significant( P <0 01),especilly in amisometrop group.There were no obvious difference on stereopsis vision acuity in either comparing Lasik group with PRK group,comparing 5.5mm diameter scan region with 6.0mm diameter scan one. Conclusion PRK and Lasik may improved stereopsis vision acuity in treated for patients with myopia.
Keywords:Myopia Excimer laser Keratorefractiv surgery Stereopsis vision acuity
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