Abstract: | Maximal expiratory flow rate (V?max) was measured at 20, 35, 50, 65, and 80% vital capacity in 4 young healthy subjects breathing air, SF6/O2, and He/O2 mixtures. The flows of SF6/O2 and He/O2 were corrected to normal alveolar gasflow by means of only the density of the gases. The values for normal alveolar gasflow and corrected SF6/O2 flow were identical at 35% VC and larger volumes while the values for normal alveolar gasflow and corrected He/O2 flow were not. The results indicate that in young healthy subjects it is possible to correct Vmax at lung volumes above 359: VC for the changes induced by an increase in density of the gas breathed, provided viscosity is not much changed. Without correction, V?max after O2-breathing will be underestimated by about 6%, compared with V?max for normal alveolar gas, whereas a change in alveolar CO2 concentrations between 3 and 9% only causes a 1 % decrease of V? max. |