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Effect of genistein analogs on oxygen radical production in leukocytes stimulated by unopsonized zymosan
Authors:Yun J  Oh S R  Lee H K  Chang I M  Takatsu K  Yun Y P  Min K R  Kim Y
Effects of genistein analogs on oxygen radical production have been analyzed in human neutrophils, human monocytes or murine macrophages Raw264.7 stimulated with unopsonized zymosan by lucigenin- and luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence assays. Genistein exhibited IC50 values of 10.7-11.5 microM on the oxygen radical production in human neutrophils, 10.9-11.0 microM in human monocytes, and 14.8-27.3 microM in Raw264.7 cells. Orobol, a genistein analog with an additional hydroxy group at the 3' position, exhibited IC50 values of 3.0-3.3 microM on the oxygen radical production in human neutrophils, 2.8-3.1 microM in human monocytes, and 1.5-3.9 microM in Raw264.7 cells. Genistin and sophoricoside are genistein glycosides with a glucose moiety at 7 or 4' position, respectively. The genistein glycosides exhibited 23-37% inhibitory effects at 100 microM on the oxygen radical production.
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