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Anesthetics and Automaticity of Dominant and Latent Pacemakers in Chronically Instrumented Dogs: IV. Dysrhythmias after Sinoatrial Node Excision
Authors:Woehlck, Harvey J. MD   Vicenzi, Martin N. MD   Bajic, Jurica MD   Sokolyk, Stephen M. MD   Bosnjak, Zeljko J. PhD   Atlee, John L. III MD
Background: Subsidiary atrial pacemakers assume control after sinoatrial (SA) node excision, and anesthetic-catecholamine interactions can produce severe bradycardia during isoflurane anesthesia. We hypothesized that epinephrine enhances atrial, atrioventricular junctional, and ventricular dysrhythmias after SA node excisions in dogs and that inhalation anesthetics would facilitate such dysrhythmias.

Methods: In eight dogs, SA nodes were excised and epicardial electrodes implanted at the atrial appendages, at the His bundle, and along the sulcus terminalis. Site of the earliest atrial activation and incidences of nonatrial beats were determined in the conscious state, with methylatropine, with epinephrine, and during halothane, isoflurane, or enflurane anesthesia.

Results: After SA node excision, a stable, regular subsidiary atrial pacemaker rhythm resulted. Epinephrine and halothane shifted the site of earliest activation to more remote atrial sites. Epinephrine-induced ventricular escape was increased by all anesthetics tested, but atropine prevented ventricular escape. Epinephrine-induced His bundle (atrioventricular junctional) and premature ventricular beats were increased by halothane and enflurane. After SA node excision, ventricular escape occurred as a result of epinephrine-anesthetic interactions, especially during anesthesia with isoflurane.

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