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Recombinant α-Interferon May be Efficacious in Acute Hepatitis B
Authors:J. Halevy  M. D.  A. Achiron  M. D.    D. Spiegel  M. D.    M. Nili  M. D.    J. Luboshits  M. D.    Y. Yerushalmi  M. D.    E. Theodor  M. D.
Affiliation:Department of Internal Medicine E, Beilinson Medical Center, Petah Tiqva, Israel.
Whereas, in chronic type B hepatitis, the therapeutic effect of alpha-interferon has been studied extensively, data on the effect of interferon on the course and prognosis of acute hepatitis B are scarce in the literature. We report a case of acute type B hepatitis complicated by life-threatening extrahepatic manifestations where recombinant alpha-interferon facilitated clinical, biochemical, and serological recovery.
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