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Trade-off between curvature tuning and position invariance in visual area V4
Authors:Tatyana O. Sharpee  Minjoon Kouh  John H. Reynolds
Affiliation:aComputational and;cSystems Neurobiology Laboratories, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, CA, 92037; and;bCenter for Theoretical Biological Physics, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, 92093
Abstract:Humans can rapidly recognize a multitude of objects despite differences in their appearance. The neural mechanisms that endow high-level sensory neurons with both selectivity to complex stimulus features and “tolerance” or invariance to identity-preserving transformations, such as spatial translation, remain poorly understood. Previous studies have demonstrated that both tolerance and selectivity to conjunctions of features are increased at successive stages of the ventral visual stream that mediates visual recognition. Within a given area, such as visual area V4 or the inferotemporal cortex, tolerance has been found to be inversely related to the sparseness of neural responses, which in turn was positively correlated with conjunction selectivity. However, the direct relationship between tolerance and conjunction selectivity has been difficult to establish, with different studies reporting either an inverse or no significant relationship. To resolve this, we measured V4 responses to natural scenes, and using recently developed statistical techniques, we estimated both the relevant stimulus features and the range of translation invariance for each neuron. Focusing the analysis on tuning to curvature, a tractable example of conjunction selectivity, we found that neurons that were tuned to more curved contours had smaller ranges of position invariance and produced sparser responses to natural stimuli. These trade-offs provide empirical support for recent theories of how the visual system estimates 3D shapes from shading and texture flows, as well as the tiling hypothesis of the visual space for different curvature values.
Keywords:feature selectivity   natural stimuli   object recognition   vision   Gabor model
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