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Visual receptive thalamopetal neurons in the optic tectum of teleosts (holocentridae)
Authors:Hironobu Ito  Horacio Vanegas
Tectal neurons previously known to receive retinofugal input were herein shown to project to the nucleus prethalamicus. Following HRP injections into the nucleus prethalamicus, pyriform neurons in the stratum periventiculare and stratum album centrale, and fusiform neurons in the stratum griseum centrale, were retrogradely labeled. Because the labeled types of neurons have been characterized as the main visual receptive neurons of the optic tectum, and because the nucleus prethalamicus of teleosts projects to the telencephalon, this nucleus can now be considered homologous to the nucleus rotondus of reptiles and birds and to the nucleus lateralis postterior-pulvinar complex of mammals, that is, it provides a relay for retinotectal visual input to the telencephalon. Orthogradely labeled terminals as well as retrogradely labeled neurons were also found in the dorsal area of the telencephalon. The tecto-prethalamotelencephalic projections are only ipsilateral.
Keywords:tectum opticum   thalamus   telencephalon   visual system   teleosts
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