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引用本文:李利,张宇鹏,孔德明,刘建全,史亚民. 高负压封闭引流技术治疗脊柱内固定术后感染的临床疗效[J]. 感染、炎症、修复, 2009, 10(3): 154-156
作者姓名:李利  张宇鹏  孔德明  刘建全  史亚民
作者单位:1. 解放军总医院第一附属医院骨科,北京,100048
2. 河北省邯郸市峰峰集团邯郸医院骨科,河北,邯郸,056002
3. 北京市房山区良乡医院骨科,北京,102488
摘    要:目的:评价高负压封闭引流(VSD)技术治疗脊柱术后感染的临床疗效。方法:应用VSD技术治疗脊柱术后感染19例。每例患者应用VSD技术处理创面1~4次,每次引流5~7d。结果:19例患者中7例经1次引流术后创面清洁,肉芽组织生长满意,即予一期缝合,10例行2次引流后直接缝合伤口,1例行3次引流后缝合伤口,1例行4次引流后死腔方消灭,停用VSD,常规换药6周后创面愈合。19例患者中12例内固定得以保留,7例患者去除内固定后创面愈合。结论:VSD技术治疗脊柱术后感染具有较好的临床疗效。

关 键 词:引流术  感染  脊柱  疗效

Clinical effect of vacuum-sealing drainage in treating infection after operation on spine
Affiliation:Li Li, Zhang Yupeng,Kong Deming, et al.( Department of Orthopedics, The First Hospital Affiliated to the Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100048,China)
Abstract:Objective:To assess the therapeutic effect of vacuum-sealing drainage (VSD) in treating infection after operation on spine. Methods: Nineteen patients suffering from infection after spinal operation were treated with VSD. Every patient was debrided with VSD 1 to 4 times,and draining was kept for 5 to 7 days each time. Results: The wound surface became clean and granulation tissue grew well after drainage for 1 time in 7 patients,and the wound were closed with sutures and healed at first intention. The wounds were sutured after drainage for 2 times in 10 patients,and for 3 times in 1 patient. In 1 patient, the dead space disappeared and the wound surface became flat after drainage for 4 times, then the VSD was stopped, the wound finally healed after 6 weeks. The internal fixation was retained in 12 patients,and it was removed in 7 patients. Conclusion: VSD is superior to traditional method in treating infection after spinal operations,and the effect is satisfactory.
Keywords:Drainage Infection Vertebral column Therapeutic effect
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