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Enquête sur la perception des compétences acquises chez des internes de néphrologie de 3e et 4e années en France
Institution:1. Service de néphrologie-dialyses-aphérèse, CHU Caremeau, faculté de médecine et EA2415, université de Montpellier-Nîmes, place du Pr-Debré, 30009 Nîmes, France;2. Hôpital Saint-Louis, université Paris-7 Denis-Diderot, 1, avenue Claude-Vellefaux, 75010 Paris, France;3. Service de néphrologie, CHU d’Amiens, UMR 1088, université de Picardie-Jules-Vernes, D408, chemin du Thill, 80025 Amiens cedex 1, France;4. Centre de néphrologie et transplantation rénale, hôpital de la Conception, Aix-Marseille université, 147, boulevard Baille, 13005 Marseille, France;5. Service de néphrologie, CHU Tenon, 4, rue de la Chine, 75020 Paris, France;6. Service de néphrologie et transplantation, nouvel hôpital civil, hôpitaux universitaires de Strasbourg, 1, place de l’Hôpital, 67091 Strasbourg, France;1. Caisse nationale de l’Assurance maladie des travailleurs salariés, direction de la stratégie des études et des statistiques, 26–50, avenue du Pr-André-Lemierre, 75986 Paris cedex 20, France;2. Registre REIN, agence de la biomédecine, 1, avenue du Stade-de-France, 93212 Saint-Denis-la-Plaine cedex, France;1. Kardiologie, Městká nemocnice Ostrava, Nemocni?ní 898/20A, 728 80 Ostrava, Czech Republic;2. Kardiovaskulární oddělení, Fakultní nemocnice Ostrava, 17. listopadu 1790, 708 52 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic;1. Service de pharmacie, hôpital Saint-Louis (APHP), 1, avenue Claude-Vellefaux, 75010 Paris, France;2. Service de néphrologie, hôpital Saint-Louis (APHP), 1, avenue Claude-Vellefaux, 75010 Paris, France;1. Centre hospitalier Félix-Guyon, CHU de la Réunion, allée des Topazes, 97400 Saint-Denis, Réunion;2. Groupe hospitalier sud Réunion, CHU de la Réunion, avenue du président Miterrand, 97410 Saint-Pierre, Réunion;3. Centre hospitalier Louis-Pradel, 28, avenue du Doyen-Jean-Lépine, 69500 Lyon, France;1. CHU Nantes, France;2. Clinique les Genêts, Narbonne, France;3. CHU Marseille, France;4. Agence de la biomédecine, Saint Denis La Plaine, France
Abstract:Due to a national theoretical training provided to all resident for many years and the ongoing discussions to change the organization of the resident training of specialized study diploma (SSD) of nephrology, a survey was done to assess the perception of skills acquired in the management of different clinical situations in terms of knowledge, expertise and attitudes. The expected results are intended to identify new training procedures for future nephrologists in France. The study was performed in 112 resident from 3rd and 4th year of nephrology resident training attending an educational seminar of the University College of Nephrology Teachers in May 2014. The survey was conducted with a self-administered anonymous questionnaire to assess the perception of the acquisition of different skills. The results show a heterogeneity acquisition between different areas of skills suggesting possible improvement with development of outpatient activity or with training in specialized units such as for peritoneal dialysis or plasma exchange activity. Therefore, these findings suggest further structuring of the regional training and development of the simulation training to acquire the expertise and attitudes. Finally, the use of an evaluation book of skills acquired throughout the training could be interesting in the context of standardization of validating training of nephrologists as proposed in the reform of the SSD of nephrology.
Keywords:Attitudes  Education  Expertise  Knowledge  Training resident nephrology
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