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The impact of belatacept on third‐party HLA alloantibodies in highly sensitized kidney transplant recipients
Authors:Ronald F. Parsons  Arslan Zahid  Shalini Bumb  Hannah Decker  Harold C. Sullivan  Frances Eun‐Hyung Lee  Idelberto Raul Badell  Mandy L. Ford  Christian P. Larsen  Thomas C. Pearson  Annette M. Jackson  Dong‐Feng Chen  Matthew Levine  Malek Kamoun  Robert A. Bray  Howard M. Gebel
Abstract:Recent evidence suggests that belatacept reduces the durability of preexisting antibodies to class I and class II human leukocyte antigens (HLAs). In this case series of 163 highly sensitized kidney transplant candidates whose calculated panel‐reactive antibody (cPRA) activity was ≥98% to 100%, the impact of belatacept on preexisting HLA antibodies was assessed. Of the 163 candidates, 72 underwent transplantation between December 4, 2014 and April 15, 2017; 60 of these transplanted patients remained on belatacept consecutively for at least 6 months. We observed a decrease in the breadth and/or strength of HLA class I antibodies as assessed by FlowPRA in belatacept‐treated patients compared to controls who did not receive belatacept. Specifically, significant HLA antibody reduction was evident for class I (< .0009). Posttransplant belatacept‐treated patients also had a clinically significant reduction in their cPRA compared to controls (P < .01). Collectively, these findings suggest belatacept can reduce HLA class I antibodies in a significant proportion of highly sensitized recipients and could be an option to improve pretransplant compatibility with organ donors.
Keywords:alloantibody  clinical research/practice  immunosuppressant ‐ fusion proteins and monoclonal antibodies: belatacept  immunosuppression/immune modulation  kidney transplantation/nephrology  sensitization
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