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Encephalo-myelo-radiculo-ganglionitis presenting as pandysautonomia
Authors:G Stoll  C Thomas  K Reiners  R Schober  H P Hartung
Affiliation:Department of Neurology, Heinrich-Heine-Universit?t, Düsseldorf, Germany.
Abstract:A 68-year-old man developed pandysautonomia with severe orthostatic dysfunction, fixed heart rate, low serum levels of norepinephrine and epinephrine, absent sympathetic skin responses, and pupillary abnormalities. CSF protein was 92 mg/dl. In spite of a good recovery following corticosteroid administration, a relapse occurred, with accompanying sensory symptoms confined to both arms. Fatal sudden cardiac arrest occurred after 4 months. Autopsy revealed numerous lymphocytic infiltrates, predominantly in autonomic and sensory ganglia and, to a lesser extent, in the nerve roots, spinal cord, and brainstem without evidence for an underlying tumor. This case provides histopathologic evidence for an inflammatory etiology of panautonomic neuropathy in some patients.
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