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Glucose tolerance, plasma insulin and α-lipoproteins in young male myocardial infarction survivors compared with controls matched on serum cholesterol concentration
Affiliation:Department of Medicine I, Sahlgrenska Hospital and Department of Medicine, Östra Hospital, University of Götenborg, Sweden
Abstract. In order to identify metabolic risk factors other than hypercholesterolaemia, all cases of acute myocardial infarction, diagnosed in males aged under 40 years, were studied over a period of 6 years in Göteborg, Sweden. Twenty out of twenty-four patients who were alive at the time of the study were compared with forty controls matched for serum cholesterol concentration. A previous report has noted lower apolipoprotein A (apoA) and a higher α-lipoprotein triglyceride concentration in these young myocardial infarction patients compared with the matched controls. Basal blood glucose, oral glucose tolerance and plasma insulin levels did not differ between the patients and controls, i.e. decreased glucose tolerance and elevated plasma insulin levels were not found to be additional risk factors for myocardial infarction in young males if serum cholesterol concentration was taken into consideration. This finding could be explained by the fact that patients and controls were all high cholesterol individuals and a difference between the patients and the general population is still possible. Low apoA was a risk factor independent of serum cholesterol as well as glucose intolerance and elevated plasma insulin levels.
Keywords:Myocardial infarction    carbohydrate metabolism
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