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Multicolor in vivo time-lapse imaging at cellular resolution by stereomicroscopy.
Authors:Martin Distel  Andreas Babaryka  Reinhard W K?ster
Affiliation:GSF-National Research Center for Environment and Health, Institute of Developmental Genetics, Ingolst?dter Landstrasse 1, 85764 Neuherberg-Munich, Germany.
Intravital time-lapse imaging has altered significantly many long-standing rules of biological mechanisms, but being apparatus-intense and laborious, time-lapse imaging remained mostly restricted to specialized labs. We show that recently introduced, fully automated fluorescence stereomicroscopes represent cost-effective but powerful means of imaging dynamic events ranging from observing embryogenesis over several days to detailed tissue rearrangements and fast blood cell rolling in vivo. When combined with deconvolution approaches, even subcellular resolution in several colors can be achieved. Using three-dimensional image recording, we show the spatial reconstruction of expression patterns. Furthermore, by combining three-dimensional image recording over time with subsequent deconvolution analysis, we demonstrate that subcellular dynamics such as axonal pathfinding can be resolved. These findings promise that time-lapse imaging using a stereomicroscope will become a hands-on standard method for phenotype analysis in many fields of biology.
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