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引用本文:王学忠,杨志东,刘晓方. 心房颤动患者血清C反应蛋白的临床意义及阿司匹林干预研究[J]. 宁夏医学杂志, 2006, 28(6): 418-419
作者姓名:王学忠  杨志东  刘晓方
摘    要:目的探讨血清C反应蛋白(CRP)水平在心房颤动的发生与持续状态中的变化以及阿司匹林的干预影响。方法选取非瓣膜性心房颤动患者共78例,其中阵发性房颤(<48小时)19例,持续性房颤(≥48小时)59例,后者随机分为阿司匹林100mg/d、阿司匹林200mg/d和阿司匹林300mg/d治疗组,分别于治疗前和治疗1周时采血测定血清CRP浓度,同时选取28例健康者作为对照组。结果阵发性房颤组血清CRP浓度显著高于对照组(P<0 01);持续性房颤组血清CRP浓度显著高于阵发性房颤组(P<0 05)。阿司匹林200mg/d和阿司匹林300mg/d使持续性房颤患者血清CRP水平显著性下降(P<0 01)。结论血清CRP在房颤患者中明显升高,心房颤动的持续状态可能与炎症有关。有效剂量的阿司匹林干预治疗可降低房颤患者的血清CRP水平。

关 键 词:心房颤动  炎症  C-反应蛋白  阿司匹林

The clinical value of serum level of CRP in patients with atrial fibrillation and its interference study with Aspirin
WANG Xue-zhong,et al.. The clinical value of serum level of CRP in patients with atrial fibrillation and its interference study with Aspirin[J]. Ningxia Medical Journal, 2006, 28(6): 418-419
Authors:WANG Xue-zhong  et al.
Affiliation:The Affiliated Hosp. of Ningxia Med. Coll., Yinchuaa 750004, China
Abstract:Objective To research the change of serum level of CRP in patients with atrial fibrillation and the effect of treatment by different dosage of Aspirin.Methods 78 patients with atrial fibrillation and 28 healthy individuals were enrolled.59 patients have persistent atrial fibrillation and the other are paroxysmal.The serum CRP concentration were examined.The different dosage of Aspirin were given to persistent atrial fibrillation patients to investigate their effect on CRP concentration.Results The concentration of CRP in atrial fibrillation patients are higher than controls(p<0.01).Treatment with Aspirin of more than 200mg/d have significant influence on CRP concentration(P<0.01).(Conclusion) Inflammation may be related to persistent atrial fibrillation.Sufficient dosage of Aspirin have positive effect on CRP concentration in patients with atrial fibrillation.
Keywords:Atrial fibrillation  Inflammation  C-reactive protein  Aspirin
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