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A stereological study of the human ovarian surface epithelium.
Authors:W R Gillett  A Mitchell  P R Hurst
Affiliation:Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Abstract:The surface of the ovary has been found to be composed of two types of epithelial cells called A and B cells which are found in their own respective zones, the A and B zones. A quantitative study was undertaken to determine the mean cell volumes and cell ultrastructure. Ovarian biopsies were taken from six women and A and B zones, having been identified by scanning electron microscopy, were re-embedded for transmission electron microscopy. Stereological measurements using point sampled intercepts were made on vertical sections and showed that B cells are significantly larger than A cells. The volume weighted mean cell volumes of the A and B cells were 237.3 microns 3 and 676.8 microns 3 respectively. The volume fractions of the nucleus and mitochondria were similar in the two cell types. Although the vesicle content of each type was similar, a large variation between cases made the interpretation difficult. The stereological tools used in this study proved to be easy and efficient estimators of surface cell ultrastructure and give an important direction for ultrastructural research.
Keywords:human ovary/stereology/surface epithelium/transmission electron microscopy
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