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P2Y12 Platelet Receptors: Importance in Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Authors:Felipe Jose de Andrade Falc?o  Leonardo Carvalho  Mark Chan  Cláudia Maria Rodrigues Alves  Ant?nio Carlos Camargo Carvalho  Adriano Mendes Caixeta
Affiliation:1. Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Escola Paulista de Medicina, São Paulo, SP- Brazil;2. National University of Singapore - Yong Loo Lin School of Medicina, Singapore
Abstract:Apart from their role in hemostasis and thrombosis, platelets are involved in manyother biological processes such as wound healing and angiogenesis. Percutaneouscoronary intervention is a highly thrombogenic procedure inducing platelets andmonocytes activation through endothelial trauma and contact activation byintravascular devices. Platelet P2Y12 receptor activation by adenosinediphosphate facilitates non-ADP agonist-mediated platelet aggregation, dense granulesecretion, procoagulant activity, and the phosphorylation of several intraplateletproteins, making it an ideal drug target. However, not all compounds that target theP2Y12 receptor have similar efficacy and safety profiles. Despitetargeting the same receptor, the unique pharmacologic properties of each of theseP2Y12 receptor-directed compounds can lead to very different clinicaleffects.
Keywords:Receptor Aggregation   Platelet Aggregation   Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
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