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Acquired hyperpigmentations
Authors:Tania Ferreira Cestari  Lia Pinheiro Dantas  Juliana Catucci Boza
Abstract:Cutaneous hyperpigmentations are frequent complaints, motivating around 8.5% of alldermatological consultations in our country. They can be congenital, with differentpatterns of inheritance, or acquired in consequence of skin problems, systemicdiseases or secondary to environmental factors. The vast majority of them are linkedto alterations on the pigment melanin, induced by different mechanisms. This reviewwill focus on the major acquired hyperpigmentations associated with increasedmelanin, reviewing their mechanisms of action and possible preventive measures.Particularly prominent aspects of diagnosis and therapy will be emphasized, withfocus on melasma, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, periorbital pigmentation,dermatosis papulosa nigra, phytophotodermatoses, flagellate dermatosis, erythemadyschromicum perstans, cervical poikiloderma (Poikiloderma of Civatte), acanthosisnigricans, cutaneous amyloidosis and reticulated confluent dermatitis
Keywords:Diagnosis   Hyperpigmentation   Melanosis   Pigmentation disorders   Therapeutics
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