产前、产时干预对羊水过少孕妇分娩方式的影响 |
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引用本文: | 曹慧兰,;任雁林,;袁美锦,;乔爱琴,;张伟凤. 产前、产时干预对羊水过少孕妇分娩方式的影响[J]. 海南医学院学报, 2014, 0(9): 1246-1248 |
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作者姓名: | 曹慧兰, 任雁林, 袁美锦, 乔爱琴, 张伟凤 |
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作者单位: | [1]河北北方学院附属第一医院产科,河北张家口075000; [2]赤城县人民医院,河北赤城075600; [3]万全县人民医院,河北万全076250 |
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基金项目: | 河北省人口计生委2012年科研计划课题(2012-A29) |
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摘 要: | 目的:加强羊水过少孕妇的管理降低剖宫产率。方法:选取本院孕检并分娩的羊水过少孕妇67例为研究组,由专人负责进行健康教育,提高对分娩知识的认知度,调整孕妇的饮食习惯,督促其多饮水,定时胎儿心电监测,必要时输液干预。临产后给予饮水及体位指导,补液干预、静滴能量;严密观察胎儿心电监测状况及羊水性状,与84例羊水过少的孕妇(对照组)进行比较分析。结果:研究组无应激试验有反应型高于对照组,可疑反应型低于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05);研究组临产率明显高于对照组,阴道分娩率高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论:对羊水过少孕妇围产时的干预可促进阴道分娩,不增加新生儿窒息率,是降低剖宫产率可靠有效的方法,值得临床推广应用。
关 键 词: | 羊水过少 护理干预 胎心监测 剖宫产 |
Influence of prenatal intervention on intrapartum way of pregnant women with oligohydramnios |
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Affiliation: | CAO Hui-lan , REN Yan-lin , YUAN Mei-jin , Qiao Ai-qin , ZHANG Wei-feng (1. Department of Obstetrics, First Affiliated Hospital of Hebei North University, Zhangjiakou 075000 2. People's Hospital of Chicheng County, Chicheng 075600 3. People's Hospital of Wanquan County, 076250 China) |
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Abstract: | Objective; To strengthen the management of pregnant women with oligohydramnios in order to reduce the cesarean section rate. Methods: 67 pregnancy cases diagnosed as oligohydramnios according to pregnancy test were enrolled as study group, and were given health education to raise awareness of knowledge of childbirth, adjust eating habits, and urge them to drink more water. Fetal heart power was monitored infusion intervention was given when it's necessary. During labor, postural guidance, rehydration infusion of energy, close observation of fetal ECG and amniotic fluid properties were observed, 84 cases of pregnant women with oligohydramnios (control group) were enrolled for comparison. Results: The study group has higher incidence of positive results of non-stress test, and lower positive suspicious reactive test results, (P all 〈0.05). The study group showed significantly higher labor rate, and higher rate of vaginal delivery than control group (P〈0.05). Conclusion: Maternal intervention can promote vaginal delivery without increasing rate of neonatal asphyxia. It's an effective method for reducing cesarean section rate and is worthy of application in large scale. |
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Keywords: | Oligohydramnios Nursing interventions Fetal heart monitoring~ Cesarean |
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