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Vascular surgery
摘    要:
206549Endovascular revascularization for the treat-ment of renal artery stenosis/ Wu Yuanbing(吴元兵,Dept Vascul Surg,Zhongshan Hosp,Fudan Univ,Shang-hai 200032)…∥Chin J Gen Surg.-2006 ,21(8) .-582~584ObjectiveTo evaluate percutaneous transluminalrenal angioplasty (PTRA) and stenting for the treatmentof renal arterystenosis (RAS) .MethodsFromFeb2003through Jun 2005 ,19 consecutive RAS patients receivedinterventional therapy including PTRA and/or stents in12 cases,aortorenal bypas…

关 键 词:血管 外科学 血运重建 肾脏

Vascular surgery
Endovascular revascularization for the treatment of renal artery stenosis,Effect of bcl-shRNA on the intimal hyperplasia of vein autografts
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