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Presynaptic modulation of the release of the co-transmitters noradrenaline and ATP
Authors:I. von,Kü  gelgen,K. Kurz,R. Bü  ltmann,B. Driessen,and K. Starke
Affiliation:Pharmakologisches Institut, Universität Freiburg, Hermann-Herder-Strasse 5, D-79104 Freiburg i, Br, Germany
Abstract:Summary— The release of both sympathetic co-transmitters, noradrenaline and ATP, is modulated via presynaptic receptors. However, the degree of the modulation may differ indicating that the ratio of the released co-transmitters changes upon presynaptic receptor activation. For example, α2-autoinhibition affects the release of noradrenaline more markedly than the release of ATP. Some sympathetic axon terminals possess presynaptic P2-purinoceptors which are activated by endogenous ATP. These receptors are a novel kind of auto-receptor: they mediate a presynaptic negative feedback mechanism in which released ATP inhibits subsequent co-transmitter release.
Keywords:sympathetic nervous system    noradrenaline-ATP co-transmission    autoinhibition of transmitter release    presynaptic α2-adrenoceptors    presynaptic P2-purinoceptors
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