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Iron-containing proteins in the plasma and serum of the blood in patients during hyperbaric oxygenation therapy
Authors:A I Lukash  A A Ananian  L G Mendzheritskaia  E E Nikolaeva  V L Kesel'man  V V Vnukov
Abstract:Extra-erythrocyte hemoglobin (EEH) level and total peroxidase activity (TPA) have been analysed in the blood serum and plasma of 44 patients following hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO). The levels of the parameters tested decreased after 3 HBO procedures and remained low to the end of the treatment period in the first group of patients. In the second group of patients, on the contrary, EEH and TPA levels increased after 3 HBO procedures and remained high to the end of the treatment period. In both groups of patients EEH changes correlated with TPA alterations. Possible EEH and TPA determination for the estimation and enhancement of HBO treatment efficacy is discussed.
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