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引用本文:程伟中,曾蒙苏,饶圣祥,张澍杰,陈财忠,纪元,靳大勇. 胰腺异位副脾的影像学诊断(附3例报告并文献复习)[J]. 放射学实践, 2007, 22(11): 1196-1198
作者姓名:程伟中  曾蒙苏  饶圣祥  张澍杰  陈财忠  纪元  靳大勇
摘    要:目的:探讨胰腺异位副脾(IPAS)的CT和MRI诊断价值.方法:回顾性分析经手术病理证实的3例IPAS患者的病例资料.其中1例行CT平扫和增强检查,2例行MRI平扫和动态增强检查.结果:3例胰腺异位副脾均位于胰尾,主要表现为信号强度或密度与脾脏相似,增强后病灶均匀强化,与脾脏实质强化程度相似;3例同时伴有脾门区副脾.结论:IPAS为胰腺少见病变,其发生部位及CT和MRI表现具有一定特征性.

关 键 词:体层摄影术  X线计算机  磁共振成像  胰腺  副脾

Imaging Diagnosis of Ectopic Intrapancreatic Accessory Spleen (A Report of 3 Cases with Literature Review)
CHEN Wei-zhong,ZENG Meng-su, RAO Shen-xiang,et al.. Imaging Diagnosis of Ectopic Intrapancreatic Accessory Spleen (A Report of 3 Cases with Literature Review)[J]. Radiologic Practice, 2007, 22(11): 1196-1198
Authors:CHEN Wei-zhong  ZENG Meng-su   RAO Shen-xiang  et al.
Affiliation:Department of Radiology, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032 ,P. R. China
Abstract:Objective:To discuss the diagnostic value of CT and MRI in ectopic intrapancreatic accessory spleen(IPAS).Methods:Three cases of IPAS confirmed pathologically were retrospectively analyzed.These 3 cases had been examined with plain and contrast enhancing CT(n=1) and MRI(n=2).Results:All of the IPAS were located in the tail of the pancreas.Their major CT and MRI features in density and signal intensity simulated to those of spleen very much on CT and MRI images.Homogeneous enhancement of IPAS which was very similar to that of the spleen was found on postcontrast CT and MRI scans.Accessory spleens sited around the splenic hilum were found in all the 3 cases.Conclusion:IPAS is a rare congenital disease of the pancreas.Considerable characteristics in occurrence sites and special CT as well as MRI signs of IPAS could be found.
Keywords:Tomography  X-ray computed  Magnetic resonance imaging  Pancreas  Accessory spleen
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