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The final phase in acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). A study on bleeding,infection and pain
Authors:Stalfelt Ann Marie  Brodin Håkan  Pettersson Solveig  Eklöf Anna
Affiliation:Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences/Social Medicine, Uppsala University, Uppsala Science Park, SE-751 85, Uppsala, Sweden. annmarie.stalfelt@telia.com
To increase the knowledge of the final phase of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) a retrospective review of the medical and nursing records of 106 adult patients with AML who had died in 1995-1997 was made. A total of 27 patients were treated with curative intent at the time of death and 79 patients were prescribed palliative care. From the documentation, an evaluation of the frequency and severity of bleeding and pain episodes was made during their last week in life, and the occurrence of infection criteria was studied. Notations on bleeding were found in 44%, infection in 71% and pain in 76% of the patients. In 54% of the morphine administration days, no information on the effect of given morphine treatment was registered. To give AML patients in the final phase, the best possible treatment, skills in palliative medicine and palliative care are important.
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