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Neuropsychological function in restrained versus unrestrained motor vehicle occupants who suffer Closed Head Injury
Authors:L. Smith-Seemiller   M. R. Lovell  M. D. Franzen  S. S. Smith  R. N. Townsend
It is known that using seatbelts reduces the incidence and severity of closed head injury CHI from motor vehicle crashes. One would expect unrestrained occupants in motor vehicle crashes to suffer more severe CHIs than restrained occupants, as reflected by Glasgow Coma Scale GCS scores. One might also expect an increased risk of focal injury due to contact forces in unrestrained occupants. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that failure to use seatbelts results in increased severity of neuropsychological sequelae, even with GCS controlled. We also examined the impact of demo graphic variables on seatbelt use. Subjects included patients admitted to a hospital trauma service who were suspected of having suffered CHI. All patients completed neuropsychological testing, which was entered into a data base along with demographic and clinical information. People who had docu mented use of seatbelt restraints were compared with those who were unrestrained. Results confirmed that certain demographic variables are associated with the use of seatbelts. Results also suggested that failure to use seatbelt restraints is associated with more severe impairment on tests that are sensitive to frontal lobe dysfunction.
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