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Book reviewed in this article:
Outline of Human Genetics. By L. S. P enrose
The Molecular Basis of Neoplasia
Genetics and Dental Health. By C arl J. W itkop , Jr., ed.
Tròubles de l'Appareil Auditif et Manifestations Ophthalmologiques Associés. By R. G rimaud , P. M ounier -K uhn , M. G ignoux and H. M artin (with the collaboration of L. P aufique , G. B onamour , J. C ordier and J. B. D ureux )
An Introduction to Genetics. By A. H. S turtevant and G. W. B eadle
Changing Perspectives on the Genetic Effects of Radiation. By J. V. N eel
Birth Dejects. Edited by M orris F ishbein
Approaches to the Genetic Analysis of Mammalian Cells. Edited by D. J. M erchant and J. V. N eel
Studies in Genetics. By H. J. Müller
The Genetics of Migrant and Isolate Populations. Proceedings of a conference on human population genetics in Israel, held at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Edited by Elisabeth Goldschmidt
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