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引用本文:Xu HF,Wang M,Zhang ZB,Zou XZ,Gao Y,Liu XN,Lu EJ,Pan BY,Wu SJ,Yu SY. 广州市野生动物批发市场从业人员SARS冠状病毒感染的流行病学研究[J]. 中华预防医学杂志, 2004, 38(2): 81-83
作者姓名:Xu HF  Wang M  Zhang ZB  Zou XZ  Gao Y  Liu XN  Lu EJ  Pan BY  Wu SJ  Yu SY
作者单位:1. 510080,广州市疾病预防控制中心艾滋病防制科
2. 白云区疾病预防控制中心办公室
3. 第一军医大学流行病学教研室
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 3 0 3 40 0 14 )
摘    要:
目的 了解广州市野生动物市场从业人员SARS冠状病毒感染状况。方法 对 3家野生动物市场部分从业人员进行SARS冠状病毒IgG抗体血清学检测并回顾性调查急性呼吸道感染症状。结果  6 35名从业人员中 ,SARS冠状病毒抗体检出率为 16 6 9%。 3家市场从业人员抗体检出率存在着差异 ,主营野生畜类动物的甲市场为 2 5 6 1% ,明显高于分别主营禽类、蛇类的乙市场和丙市场 (7 5 0 %和 6 80 % ) ;只经营果子狸者抗体检出率为 5 8 5 4 % ,明显高于只经营蛇类者的9 4 6 %。甲市场内 ,主营野生畜类者、市场管理者、从业人员子女、主营家禽家畜类者、主营蛇类者及经营冷冻类食品者等 6类人员随着接触野生畜类动物机会的减少 ,抗体检出率下降 ,依次为5 9 34%、2 0 5 9%、16 0 0 %、15 2 2 %、10 4 0 %和 9 6 8%。在SARS流行期间 ,有急性呼吸道感染症状者抗体检出率为 30 70 % ,高于无症状者的 2 0 0 8% ;抗体阳性者急性呼吸道感染症状发生率为4 9 2 8% ,高于阴性者的 30 35 %。结论 动物市场人员SARS冠状病毒感染可能与野生畜类动物 ,特别是果子狸有密切关系。在SARS流行期间 ,不排除存在着部分从业人员曾感染人SARS冠状病毒并发病 ,但由于临床表现不明显而被忽略的可能性

关 键 词:严重急性呼吸综合征  冠状病毒    动物

An epidemiologic investigation on infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus in wild animals traders in Guangzhou
Xu Hui-fang,Wang Ming,Zhang Zhou-bin,Zou Xiao-zhong,Gao Yang,Liu Xiao-ning,Lu En-jie,Pan Bing-ying,Wu Shi-jun,Yu Shou-yi. An epidemiologic investigation on infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus in wild animals traders in Guangzhou[J]. Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2004, 38(2): 81-83
Authors:Xu Hui-fang  Wang Ming  Zhang Zhou-bin  Zou Xiao-zhong  Gao Yang  Liu Xiao-ning  Lu En-jie  Pan Bing-ying  Wu Shi-jun  Yu Shou-yi
Affiliation:Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Guangzhou, Guangzhou 510080, China.
Objective To investigate status of infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronovirus (SARS CoV) in traders of wild animals wholesale markets in Guangzhou. Methods Serum antibody against SARS CoV IgG was determined cross sectionally and symptoms of respiratory infection were investigated retrospectively for part of traders of three wholesale markets for wild animals in Guangzhou. Results Overall rate of infection with SARS CoV in 635 traders was 16.69%, varying in three different markets. Infection rate in market A mainly engaging in wild animals ranked the highest of 25.61%, significantly higher than that in markets B and C engaging in domestic fowls and snakes. Infection rate in traders only engaging in civet cats was 58.54%, significantly higher than that in traders engaging in snakes only (9.46%). In market A, infection rate varied in different persons, 59.34%, 20.59%, 16.00%, 15.22%, 10.40% and 9.68% in traders engaging in wild animals, managers, chidren of the traders, traders engaging in domestic fowls, traders engaging in snakes, and traders engaging in frozen food, respectively, in a decreasing pattern as their contact opportunities. During the period of SARS epidemic, detection rate of SARS CoV antibody in people with symptoms of acute respiratory infection was higher (30.70%) than that in those without such symptoms (20.08%). Prevalence of symptoms of acute upper respiratory infection in people with positive antibody against SARS CoV was higher (49.28%) than that in those with negative antibody (30.35%). Conclusions Infection with SARS CoV in traders of animal markets possibly related to their direct exposure to wild animals, particularly to civet cats. During the period of SARS epidemic, some of the traders did infect with SARS CoV, but they were neglected due to clinically inapparent manifestations.
Keywords:Server acute respiratory syndrom  Coronavirius human  Animal
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