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Restoration of function after cortical lesion: does it require an internal template?
作者姓名:Holger Schulze Konstantin Tziridis
作者单位:Experimental Otolaryngology, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Niirnberg, Waldstrasse 1, 91054 Erlangen, Germany
摘    要:<正>The brain controls virtually all body functions,both internally and in interaction with the external environment.As the basic body anatomy of all vertebrates has a bilateral symmetry,structures and functions of vertebrate brains are also organized according to this fundamental anatomical principle to meet all sensory,motor,and internal requirements of body control.Consequently,particular parts or functions of the body are controlled by particular brain structures.For mammals whose brains only have a very limited capacity to

关 键 词:功能恢复  模板  损伤  皮质  大脑控制  解剖结构  脊椎动物  相互作用
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