Abstract: |
ObjectiveTo analyze a cardiac rehabilitation adapted protocol in physical therapyduring the postoperative hospital phase of cardiac surgery in a service ofhigh complexity, in aspects regarded to complications and mortalityprevalence and hospitalization days.MethodsThis is an observational cross-sectional, retrospective and analytical studyperformed by investigating 99 patients who underwent cardiac surgery forcoronary artery bypass graft, heart valve replacement or a combination ofboth. Step program adapted for rehabilitation after cardiac surgery wasanalyzed under the command of the physiotherapy professional team.ResultsIn average, a patient stays for two days in the Intensive Care Unit and threeto four days in the hospital room, totalizing six days of hospitalization.Fatalities occurred in a higher percentage during hospitalization (5.1%) andup to two years period (8.6%) when compared to 30 days after hospitaldischarge (1.1%). Among the postoperative complications, the hemodynamic(63.4%) and respiratory (42.6%) were the most prevalent. 36-42% ofcomplications occurred between the immediate postoperative period and thesecond postoperative day. The hospital discharge started from the fifthpostoperative day. We can observe that in each following day, the patientsare evolving in achieving the Steps, where Step 3 was the most used duringthe rehabilitation phase I.ConclusionThis evolution program by steps can to guide the physical rehabilitation atthe hospital in patients after cardiac surgery. |