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Effect of cholera toxin on small intestinal motor activity in the fed state
Authors:Verne E. Cowles PhD  Dr. Sushil K. Sarna PhD
Affiliation:(1) Departments of Surgery and Physiology and Digestive System Research Center, Medical College of Wisconsin, USA;(2) Surgical Research 151, Zablocki VA Medical Center, 5000 W. National Ave, 53295 Milwaukee, Wisconsin
We sought to determine the effect of cholera toxin on small intestinal transit and motor activity in the fed state. Mean transit time increased after cholera toxin, but there was no change in mean amplitude, duration, and area of contractions. In contrast, there was a reduction in the total amplitude, duration, and area of contractions, and this was due to a decrease in frequency of contractions. The reduction in the total parameters of all contractions could be accounted for by a reduction in the same parameters for propagating contractions. The parameters of nonpropagating contraction were not different after cholera toxin. Also, there was a decrease in the distance of propagation of contractions. Our findings demonstrate that during the secretory state due to cholera toxin the small intestinal motor activity works in a compensatory mode to decrease transit and allow more time for absorption.This work was supported in part by grant DK32346 from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases and in part by Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Research Service.
Keywords:propagating and nonpropagating contractions  intestinal transit  diarrhea  motility  postprandial  oral rehydration solution
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