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引用本文:汤恩平,王晓梅,张义波. 采用膜法进行空气细菌总数监测[J]. 中国卫生检验杂志, 1992, 0(4)
作者姓名:汤恩平  王晓梅  张义波
作者单位:铁道部十三局中心卫生防疫站,铁道部十三局中心卫生防疫站,铁道部十三局中心卫生防疫站 (130031 吉林长春),(130031 吉林长春),(130031 吉林长春)
摘    要:

关 键 词:空气细菌总数  膜采样器  膜培养  液体培养基

Determination of Total Amount of Becteria in the Air with the Membrance Culture Technique
Teng Enping Wang Xi Zhang Y Contral Sanltation and Antiepidemic Station of Xian Rallway Buro. Determination of Total Amount of Becteria in the Air with the Membrance Culture Technique[J]. Chinses Journal of Health Laboratory Technology, 1992, 0(4)
Authors:Teng Enping Wang Xi Zhang Y Contral Sanltation and Antiepidemic Station of Xian Rallway Buro
Affiliation:130031 Xian
The culture series for bacteria membrame are devolped by the Center Sanitation and Antiepidemic Station of Xian Rallway buro, which have got the prize of the National Sclence and Technology of Medical and Sanitation.We use the membrane cultun technique to determine the sum total of bacteria in air,The resulta of our technique to ments show that this method for determining of the sum toad of bacteria in air is better than the air-sampling-aparatus and the natu- ral bcterla subatdence,which are used at presont.The advantages of this method are economy,practical and simple for operating Espe- cfally,it is very suitable for the supervising and determining depart- ments at the grass-roots level.
Keywords:The sum total of becteria in air  Membrane sampling  Membrance cuiture  Liquid culture medium
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