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摘    要:早期的针刺治疗多为刺脉,这不仅在马王堆帛书及《内经》中有明确记载,还见于非医学古籍。如《史记·扁鹊传》谓“(病)在血脉,针石之所及也”;《论衡·顺鼓篇》曰“投一寸之针,布一丸之艾于血脉之蹊,笃病有廖”。这种刺脉疗法还广泛见于现代的兽医、藏医针灸实践。对照《黄帝内经》与中国第一部腧穴经典《黄帝明堂》的相关内容,我们可以看出由脉到穴的演变过程。试举例说明如下:1.同阴之脉,令人腰痛,痛如小锤居其中,怫然肿,刺同阴之脉,在外踝上绝骨之端,为三。2.会阴之脉,令人腰痛,痛上凛漯然汗出,汗干令人欲饮,饮已欲…

关 键 词:腧穴  概念  穴位

Evolusion of the Concept of Acupoint
Abstract:In the past long-term process of development of acupuncrology, there is a very long period of needling meridian therapy before needling acupoint therapy. Through systematic investigation on the ancient documents, it is easily found that quite a lot of acupoints with which we are familiar nowadays are derived from many sites for puncturing meridians in quite a long time ago. Due to that the first classical acupoint works Ming Tang Meridians is a systematic summary of the acupoint documents published by various schools in different periods before Han Dynasty, acupoints recorded in this book still present some characters of different ages, some of them still retain some traces of meridians, showing the character of unfinished transitional period from meridians to acupoints. Because not knowing the process of acupoints developed from meridians and the acupoint concepts derived from different sources, the later ages' and even modern medical workers don' t understand some words about certain acupoints appeared in ancient documents, exhibiting big divergence in locating some acupoints
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