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作者姓名:唐巍  杨绪斌
摘    要:临床资料本治疗组28例患者,男16例,女12例;年龄18~65岁;见于腰胁部13例,肩颈部2例,胸部3例,前额部5例,大腿内侧2例,大腿外侧1例,上肢内侧2例;刺痛无皮损者2例,皮损有疱疹者23例,皮损消失后遗神经痛者3例;病程在1周以内者16例,2周以内者10例,2周以上者2例。治疗方法治疗组采用局部围针法,即在癌疹连结成块的周围进行皮肤常规消毒后,用1寸~1.5长的毫针沿皮向心注刺向成块疱疹的中心。针数的多少随息处面积的大小而定,每针相距1~2寸为宜。进针后,采用提插捻转法,中等强度刺激,得气后留针1~2小时。轻证每日1次,重证…

关 键 词:带状疱疹  围针  针刺疗法  疗效

Clinical Observation on Herpes Zoster with Local Surrounding Acupuncture
Abstract:28 cases of herpes zoster treated with local surrounding acupuncture were reported. The study showed of all cases, 81. 1% were cured, 17. 9 were improved, the total effective rate was 100%. In control group, however, of 10 cases, 40% were cured, 40% were improved, the total effective rate was 80%. The results indicated that local surrounding acupuncture have the function of regulating the circulation of Qi and blood of the affected region, anti-inflammation and stopping pain. Comparing with control group, the author thinks the method has the following advantags: 1. Function of stop ping pain, particularly the instant effect; 2. Reducing the treatment course; 3. There is almost no se quelae of neuralgia; 4. There is no side effect, and is easy to be accepted by patients
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